[ Prev | Next | Index ] Thu Feb 22 00:59:25 MST 1996 : ntessler@portal.ca, White Rock, BC Canada The New Temple Neil Tessler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAY OUR UNITY IN DIVERSITY BE AN EVER EXPANDING CELEBRATION! I am writing from the southern west coast of British Columbia,Canada - very near the US border. The town of White Rock, BC. My name is Neil Tessler and I am a naturopathic physician specializing in classical homeopathy. This is being hastily penned a few hours before midnight the twenty fourth of February. I wish to share with you thoughts on what I am terming THE NEW TEMPLE In recent conversation with several twenty year old visionary cybernauts the image emerged of an authentic revival of the perrenial tradition budding from within our own techne. Imagine a spirituality that elevates the unity of all things as well as the integrity of each part. Imagine a spirituality that encourages the individual to a direct experience of the non-physical dimension where unity is palpable. Whose highest ethic is to respect the experiences of others, their right to partake of the same dimension, each in their own way. Imagine the INTERNET. IMAGINE the internet. The ONE and The MANY. The internet is a non-corporeal, unitary organism composed of millions of cells. A reflection from within our own culture, apart from any past reference points, of the TAO. One birth is of the flesh and one birth is of the spirit. In partaking of the INTERNET we have moved into an subtle dimension rich with new dynamic visions for the human future hatching beyond the easy reach of the old order. Contemplation of the digital landscape and the Internet expands the heart and mind through confering an experience of human unity and ultimately of cosmic unity. The nature of fractals and other computer related phenomenon such VR force us to a new open-ended vision of the nature of reality, consciousness, our world. The fractal draws our mind back to the source from which these spinning wonders of energy-becoming-form emerge. Our own advances prod us toward a vision of life that transcends our established cultural paradigms. We are building the NEW TEMPLE: a non-sectarian place to go where we can gain a direct and empowering vision of unity and of a nobler future for humanity. I suspect that all of humanity will benefit from the vision we articulate, whether or not they ever personally explore cyberspace. Leave the old political orders at the door of the TEMPLE. Bathe in the waters of humilty and enter with respect into the the future. Thankyou for taking the time to read my mind, Dr. Neil Tessler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image] ntessler@portal.ca